Clean windows let the sunshine in

The sun is finally about to come out and we will be happy to soak it all in, also inside. So let’s give the windows a good wash and make your home look splendid when the sun peeks in through spotlessly clean windows. These tips will help you achieve the trick.

Good material, good work

To clean windows properly, always use a good sponge, microfibre cloths and a squeegee. The biggest cause of window streaks is usually the squeegee, so make sure you use a good quality one with flexible rubber.

Good preparation is half the work

  1. Make some proper suds
    For this, it is best to use lukewarm water and a few drops of cleaning product. Make sure you always dilute your product in the water and do not spray it directly on the windows, as this can cause stains. You can use a specific window product, but an ordinary detergent works just as well. For extra shine, you can use rinse aid (which you also use in the dishwasher). However, do not use vinegar; it does add shine but it also affects the silicone around the windows. (When windows still used to be fixed to the frame with mastic, using vinegar was no problem, but nowadays they are almost universally edged with silicone).

  2. Dust off your windows
    Dust off your windows with a dry cloth so that sand and dirt won't cause scratches later. 

  3. Soaping
    Then follow up with soaping your windows, from bottom to top. This prevents runny streaks when water flows over an already soaped piece of window. Only after you have soaped the windows, tackle the window frame and window sill. 

  4. Dry and remove the water
    Then dry those off, and afterwards remove the water on the windows with the squeegee. It is best to do this horizontally, starting at the top of the window. With a dry microfibre cloth, you can then dry the edges of the windows and buff the window surface.

Did you know that?

  • It is best to clean windows in the shade or on a cloudy day?

  • Vinegar does create shine but also attacks the silicone around the windows?

  • An onion cut into 4 in your suds will add extra shine to your windows?

  • Our household helpers receive specific training in window cleaning?

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