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Plus Home Services plogs along in Heist-aan-Zee

Plog walk

On Sunday 25 September 2022, a number of Plus Home Services employees took part in an official plog walk in Heist-aan-Zee. To mark World Clean Up Day, they collected a lot of rubbish, leaving the beach much cleaner that day.

Theme walk focusing on the World Clean Up Day

Service voucher company Plus Home Services organises several theme walks for its household helpers and office workers this year, allowing colleagues to connect with each other in a casual way. The first theme walk centred around the World Clean Up Day. Participants seized the opportunity to clean up a stretch of beach by putting on gloves en making use of grab sticks.

Leaving the beach a little cleaner

Everyone took on the challenge and they collected a lot of rubbish together. Trash included face masks, cigarette butts and especially a lot of plastic. "We were a little shocked to see how much trash we collected in the end, because at first sight the beach actually looked quite clean! But when you start to look more closely, you do notice a lot of rubbish lying around. It was great to do our bit and leave this stretch of beach a bit cleaner."

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