Dienstenaanhuis becomes Daenens!

Hello and yes, you did indeed surf to your trusted Dienstenaanhuis-website. However, together with a number of other leading service voucher agencies we have recently set sail under the new commercial banner of Daenens. Please join us on this adventure!

Hello and yes, you did indeed surf to your trusted Dienstenaanhuis-website. However, together with a number of other leading service voucher agencies we have recently set sail under the new commercial banner of Daenens. Please join us on this adventure!

Apply as household help

Get your new job in 4 steps!

  • 2

    We will call you

  • 3

    Time for an introduction

  • 4

    Yes, let's get started!

Working as a household help? Nothing but benefits

Flexible working hours

At Daenens, you get to decide on your working hours to suit your personal life. Do you want to work part-time or full time? One week more hours, the next week less? Daenens makes it happen. You decide!

Work close to home, in your own region

You get to decide in which region you want to work. When working close to home, you can forget about traffic jam delays and enjoy more free time!

Attractive terms and conditions

Besides your salary, which is paid on time, you also receive an end-of-year bonus, paid leave and extras such as comfortable working clothes. Moreover, you are entitled to a €5 meal voucher for every day you work!

Personal guidance and support

Daenens consultants will personally guide you along and take care of all required administration for you. Do take us up on our many training and development opportunities too.

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