More than 12,500 compliments for domestic workers

About Daenens

As the sector’s largest employer, we feel it is our duty to put an extra spotlight on our domestic helpers today. The mere that more than 12,500 people have already answered our appeal proves once again their social relevance and impact.

Household helps are invaluable in the lives of countless people. "In my opinion, domestic workers are the silent force, the heroes even, who deserve our utmost respect," says Nico Daenens, CEO of Group Daenens. "Day in, day out, they provide much more than just a crips, clean home and neatly ironed clothes. Housekeepers provide support to many elderly people who, in this way, can continue to live at home for longer. And they allow hard-working families to achieve a better work-life balance."

Massive compliments campaign

That is why Group Daenens is only too happy to put household helps in the spotlight on the World Cleaning Day (20 June 2024) with, among other things, a large-scale compliments campaign. It means they are calling on all their customers to leave a personal message for their household help on the website In addition, each employee also receives a nice seed card, that will literally offer flowers to our household helps. In 2024, this is the 8th time Group Daenens is organising the campaign. "And every year, the amount of compliments increases. As the largest employer in the sector, we feel it is almost our duty to organise this because domestic workers deserve much more social recognition."

Griet Delmaire from Oostrozebeke

"A compliment is just a small gesture but is incredibly gratifying. That's why the compliments campaign is such a nice initiative. My customers also always send me a message this way and last year, even a bouquet of flowers was awaiting me at a customer's place."

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